Mary's Pilgrims Tours
Totus Tuus Maria
How to Book with Us
To book with us either send us an email expressing your interest in which pilgramage and destination, or call either my mom, Kathy Denney (317) 373-2125 or myself, Todd Denney (317) 997-2472 to discuss. You can also contact us via email - at Maryspilgrimstours@gmail.com
Groups Wanting to Travel on Their Own Schedule
Whether you're a small family or a large parish group looking to travel to a destination we aren't visiting this year or on a date not listed, we can make it happen for you. Let us know who you are and what your group is about—we’d love to hear from you!
Kathy Denney (317) 373-2125 - Todd Denney (317) 997-2472 - at Maryspilgrimstours@gmail.com
Every pilgrimage is sacred to us, Mother Mary is asking us to serve her by working for you to bring you and your petitions to her in this special way of praying. That being said, we are interested in who you are and why you want to go if you want to share this with us. Please send us an email or call us to understand better.
Our Story Told in Video
Kathy and Jack Denney: https://video.marytv.tv/watch/Oyxnq85siZ1
Todd and Sharon Denney: https://video.marytv.tv/watch/imxJ7dsYy9z

2025 Pilgrimages
Since 1989
May 24-June 2 Medjugorje/a day in Prague - $3,045
~Includes travel and hotel, breakfast (dinners included in Medjugorje), Prague is a city, that is watched over by the miraculous statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague, which attracts thousands of pilgrims from all over the world. We will visit the Church of Our Lady Victorius where the Infant of Prague has been for hundreds of years. We also will visit Prague Castle which contains the tombs of St. Vitus and Good St. Wencelaus and as well Prague-Loreto (where a replica of the Holy House resides). After our tour we will overnight and then on to Medjugorje! In Medjugorje ~Includes Travel, Hotel, two meals per day, a guide, visits to the St. James, Hill of Apparitions, to the Blue Cross, Mt. Krizevac, the most wonderful Confessions, and Peace offered for free, from Our Lady.
June 21-28 Lourdes $3,200
~ Includes travel and hotel, breakfast, one night in Paris with an excursion to the Miraculous Medal, at Rue du Bac to venerate St. Catherine Laboure's incorrupt remains and St. Vincent Depaul's incorrupt heart, a guided tour in Lourdes to all the important places of Bernadettes life there, daily Mass, each afternoon a procession with the Blessed Sacrament (where most healings occur), and of course the nightly candlelight procession to honor "The Immaculate Conception" our Mother Mary.
August 14-15 Rhoda Wise (Canton Ohio) and Our Lady of Consolation (Carey Ohio)
~Includes travel, hotel, and breakfast. Visits to the Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation for the annual celebration of the Feast of Our Lady's Assumption. This includes talks, Mass, Confessions, Candlelight Procession with the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady Consoler of the Afflicted (commissioned and brought here, from Luxembourg in 1875). Through Our Lady, and this Miraculous Statue many pilgrims have found health, comfort, and consolation.
Nearby in Canton, is the Rhoda Wise house and grotto where Rhoda was miraculously healed by Jesus along with St Therese the Little Flower. Jesus promised Rhoda, "Cures more wonderful than your own will take place, on this spot".
September 15-17 The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Retreat (Hanceville AL)
~ Includes travel, monastery lodging, breakfast, lunch and dinners. Founded by Mother Angelica, this is home to the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, cloistered. We will be given talks and a Candlelight procession to the representation of Lourdes Grotto there. Mass and opportunity for Confessions.
October 6-16 Medjugorje/Loreto/Rome - $3,480 (Medjugorje Alone - $2,830)
*Chaplains: Fr. Michael Kucher (St. Joseph Shelbyville IN) and Fr. Jack Wright (St. Monica Indianapolis)
* Nearly Full!
~ Itinerary available upon request.
Nov. 8 -17 Medjugorje - $2,620
~ Includes Travel, Hotel, two meals per day, a guide, visits to the St. James, Hill of Apparitions, to the Blue Cross, Mt. Krizevac, the most wonderful Confessions, and Peace offered for free, from Our Lady.
*All prices reflect double occupancy. Because hotel pricing varies, please call us or email us for single occupancy pricing and please let us know which pilgrimage you're interested in.
**Prices are subject to change due to airfare flux
Father Mike Keucher below in our hotel Via Villa Pacis (in his hands Father Wright is pictured):
Father Mike and Father Wright will co-chaplain our pilgrimage to Medjugorje this October. Lets say many prayers for these two wonderful and holy men!